Child Information
Income Adjustments
Obligation Adjustments
Child Support Calculator - For Parents

This calculator has been created as a tool for those persons seeking to determine a child support obligation and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer or a thorough reading of the Indiana Child Support Guidelines.

Visit the Indiana Supreme Court Self-Service Legal Center website for complete Child Support forms packages and watch our Video for Self-Represented Litigants for more information about representing yourself in court.

Note: Any known bugs in this calculator will be described here.

Before You Begin...
  • You will need to have access to information for both parents regarding weekly income, child care expenses, health insurance premiums, existing child support orders and alimony amounts.
  • If you have a child engaging in higher education, you will need to have the amounts of their school expenses and the amounts the child contributes from sources such as scholarships, loans, and savings.
  • You must have a PDF viewer (such as Adobe Reader) installed to view and print forms.
  • It may take 10-30 minutes to complete the calculation and produce forms for use in court depending on how much information you need to enter, how much you have on hand, and how comfortable you are using websites.
  • Note that if you start a calculation and abandon your work without saving, you will lose any information you have entered unless you save the calculation and record the transaction number before you stop working. The calculator allows for thirty minutes of inactivity.

OOPS! It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 6. We're sorry. If you are receiving this message, it's because you're trying to use our child support calculator with Internet Explorer version 6 or older. The calculator is built using modern web technologies that aren't supported in older browsers. Internet Explorer 6 was introduced in 2001. Please try again using a computer with a more up-to-date web browser, or install the latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari if your system meets the technological requirements. Note that we cannot offer technical support for upgrading your browser, and we are not responsible if you upgrade your browser and it causes your computer to function improperly.